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Student testimonials regarding Carolina, a superb native Spanish tutor!



111 Reviews

Key Benefit SpanishBlackBelt ''Carolina gives excellent explanations and examples when we don't understand something''

Key Benefit SpanishBlackBelt ''Carolina was engaging and patient with us. She made learning fun!''

Key Benefit SpanishBlackBelt ''Only spoke in Spanish''

Key Benefit SpanishBlackBelt ''Carolina was attentive and clearly very invested. She didn't let little things slip, and always provided good and understandable explanations. ''

Key Benefit SpanishBlackBelt ''She was very patient to wait until the students tried to speak out and completed a sentence in Spanish. She was flexible to apply some new ideas from students and was successful to connect them to our learning goal. ''

Key Benefit SpanishBlackBelt ''Carolina explained vocabularies and grammar clearly. She also took advantage of the chatting box and her own whiteboard to facilitate teaching and explanation. She is very patient when I forget about words or grammar.''

Key Benefit SpanishBlackBelt ''She was nice and personable. She taught me well, but I also felt very comfortable working with her and I would like to work with her as much as possible for all of the other levels.''

Key Benefit SpanishBlackBelt ''She explained the material effectively and was incredibly patient. Not only that, we discussed topics that we could both relate to. Carolina is incredibly engaging, which makes one WANT to learn the language.''

Key Benefit SpanishBlackBelt ''Our conversations during class consistently combine all of the lessons I have learned over the last two levels.''

Key Benefit SpanishBlackBelt ''She was very attentive to my specific needs, particularly discussing topics in the field of work I am in. ''

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